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  • February 28, 2014 11:26 AM | Anonymous

    Below is what I hope to be an almost inclusive list of improvements to the website that was sent to the developers today.  I will keep you updates as to the status of requested improvements.

    • Allowing users to Square/Lot, Book,  Roll/Frame (completed for upcoming release) sortable search fields
    • Ability to search for multiple, non-consecutive, lots at one time
    •  Advanced sort functionality allowing sorting up to 3 variables at a time
    •  Add ability to search by consecutive document range on external website  or non-sequential documents simultaneously;
    • Remove excess names from the search result page
    • Improving readability of Print results and of the document itself.  The text of copies is small and hard to read.
    • Make Square and Lot the default search criteria instead of Name;
    • Increase speed of search and printing.  The system is very slow in generating results and printing;
    • Adding comment to payment area to denote client number/billing to show on receipt
    • Easy way for the user to get an email of receipt at the time of recording email themselves the receipt

    ·        Right now the receipt pops up, but disappears immediately in the print queue process so I’m generally not able to retrieve it.

    ·        Allow credit card charge fields to accept special characters;

    •  Ability to email a purchased document without saving it first;
    • Add ability to go directly to Print History for printing documents previously purchased on Countyfusion;

    Ida Williams, Esq.

    Recorder of Deeds

    Office of the Recorder of Deeds

    Real Property Tax Administration

    Office of Tax and Revenue

    1101 4th St SW-5W

    Washington D.C. 20024

    Direct phone: (202) 442-8610


  • February 27, 2014 11:52 AM | Anonymous



    Good morning everyone,


    First of all I would like to thank everyone for the controlled patience and understanding most of you have shown on this first frustrating week of the new website.  I would like to assure everyone that ROD is working hard with the developer to address all the concerns you have brought up to my attention.  I tried to include as many title searching offices as I could remember in this email.  Please share this email with your colleagues so ROD can have a deeper reach to the title community.


    The new website which became effective February 24th, 2014 was a project slated to take place since 2009.  I wish it did happen at that time, so Mr. Todd could take the heat for all the anomalies which are expected and inherent in any project of this nature and magnitude.  J


    The first problem, which appears to have been resolved, was the copy fee of $4.00 for subscribers instead of $2.00.  Propertyinfo will credit back each subscriber’s account that was charged the extra $2.00.  If you continue to have the fee problem, and/or haven’t received the credit please email:; and copy me as well.


    The new website looks different from the one we all were so used to and loved.  Please let’s allow ourselves time to get acclimated to the new way the information is presented.  The major concern from all the abstractors I have talked to is the loss of some functionalities that were available in the old website.  I have conveyed all those issues to the developer in order to make the appropriate changes in the system.  However, I would also prefer to have an all inclusive, comprehensive list of the main search capabilities the new system should have to assist searchers in their work.  Please take a look at the list of issues below and let me know if there is anything else the website should provide in terms of title searching.  The issue of printing out for free copies that were previously purchased in the old system is not something that can be addressed at this time, so please do not include it.


    Here is what I have been asked by abstractors so far:


    •         Ability to search for multiple, non-consecutive, lots at one time

    •         Improving readability of Print results

    •         Allowing users to sort by Square/Lot, Book,  Roll/Frame 

    •         Advanced sort functionality allowing sorting up to 3 variables at a time

    •         Add ability to search by consecutive document range

    •         remove excess names from chain in order to make it more user

                    friendly, easier to read and reduce the possibilities of mistakes.



    Again, thank you for your patience.  I am positive that our collaborative efforts will make the new website a reliable tool in your hands.


    Ida Williams, Esq.

    Recorder of Deeds

    Office of the Recorder of Deeds

    Real Property Tax Administration

    Office of Tax and Revenue

    1101 4th St SW-5W

    Washington D.C. 20024

    Direct phone: (202) 442-8610


  • February 25, 2014 8:49 AM | Anonymous

    Charting the Course through Demographics

    Charting The Course for additional details and the Registration Form.

    Mark your calendar for Thursday, February 27, when Ken Gronbach, demographer and futurist, will provide a

    glimpse into the future of the land records industry. From the real estate comeback to the rise in small, local

    financial institutions to the “boomer” retirement, he’ll explain how the forces will unite to change the

    landscape of the country.

    This half-day program is sponsored by the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) in conjunction with its

    2014 Winter Symposium at the Marriott Crystal City, Arlington, VA.

  • October 18, 2013 1:30 PM | Anonymous


    From Mike Russo, President, DCLTA – October 14, 2013

                   DCLTA President-elect Leslie Kostelecky and I attended the ALTA Annual Convention in Florida this past week.  The location was wonderful and the discussion stimulating.  The attendees and speakers included innovators and strong leaders in the title industry.  Many of the sessions focused on the CFPB regulatory changes and the related adjustments of the lending industry.  CFPB’s new “RESPA/TILA” regulations are expected before the end of the year.  This new Rule will impose a new combined HUD-1/TILA form and possibly an entirely new process (“Will the lender be required to complete the HUD-1 and not the settlement agent?”)  DCLTA encourages our members to learn and respond to this new environment which will help you remain competitive and successful.  DCLTA will stay on top of the CFPB rules and regulations and we will update you regarding compliance.


                   My conversations with our colleagues and peers from across the country are somewhat sobering.  I heard of situations were CFPB’s regulators, joined by armed federal agents have visited settlement companies to interview staff, out of the owner’s presence. The regulators wanted to know how the settlement company was drafting Best Practices policies and whether those policies were actually being followed in the day to day workings of the company.  I also heard of several instances where national lenders have contacted agents just days before a settlement and required completion of comprehensive forms, similar to the Best Practices pillars. The lender required satisfactory completion before loans would be funded.  It is clear that the regulators are hearing ALTA’s touting of its ‘Best Practices’ as an answer to regulatory reform and are putting pressure on lenders and the title industry to test compliance.  It is more important now than ever to review the ALTA Best Practices and to implement them in your business.  This preparation will give you an opportunity to be “lucky” and prepared when and if you are faced with inquiries from the regulators or lenders.  You can get started on ALTA’s Best Practices at: .


                   Locally, our regulator the Department of Insurance, Securities and Business (DISB) has also been busy.  DISB has informally proposed regulations to implement - B20-0268 "SAVING D.C. HOMES FROM FORECLOSURE” law.  The notice and proposed regulations will be on the DCLTA web site ( ) and a stakeholder’s meeting is scheduled for this week.  DCLTA is taking an active role in reviewing and commenting on the rule, where necessary.  We are pleased that DISB has taken our prior comments and included them in the latest version of the law.  The focus of our efforts will be to make sure that those protections remain in the rule at implementation.  We will keep you informed on this process.

                   The DC City Council and has also announced a hearing on three (3) pending tax sale bills relevant to our industry: Bill 20-23, the “Residential Real Property Equity and Transparency Act of 2013”, Bill 20-318, the “Senior Citizen Real Property Tax Relief Act of 2013”, and Bill 20-476, the “District Real Property Tax Sale Act of 2013”.  The Public Hearing Announcement and the text of the bills will be posted on the DCLTA website: These laws intend to give the elderly, veterans and those owing only modest amounts in taxes broader rights to avoid losing their homes to tax sales.  DCLTA’s focus for this proposed legislation is to see that whatever rights are provided to homeowners, there is finality in the bills.  We need certainty that a homeowner must raise all of his rights in the sale and tax sale foreclosure process and not be permitted to renew challenges or raise them for the first time in a subsequent law suit after a Tax Deed has been issued.  We will keep you informed of developments in these laws.

    DCLTA – Upcoming Events

    NOVEMBER 5, 2013 – Noon to 4pm.  Lunch and Learn at Maggianos.

    We have a wonderful program planned for November 5th.     

    DC Land Title Association FALL Seminar

    November 5, 2013

    Maggiano's Little Italy • Chevy Chase

    5333 Wisconson Avenue, NW

    Washington, DC  20015


    Registration begins at 11:30 a.m.

    Lunch noon to 1:00 p.m.

    Seminar from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

    • Practical Application of “Best Practices” to Your Company– Elizabeth M. Russo, Esq.
    • DC Legislative Updates– David Cox, Esq.
    • Resolving Common DC Recording Issues – Christopher Naughten, Esq. w/panel discussion including Ida Williams, Recorder of Deeds  and, Larry Blasingame.

    CE Credit: 3 hours DC, 1 hour Virginia and 1 hour Maryland.

    You can sign up for this event on line at:

    Public Hearing - 101713.pdf

    Rules- BDA Rough Updated underlined version.pdf

  • October 03, 2013 1:10 PM | Anonymous

    Our website has recently been revamped. In order to sign in, members must enter their email address and select “Forgot Password.” A new password will be emailed to you. Upon logging in for the first time, you will be able to change your password. This will enable you to sign in as a member and pay the member price for the November 5, 2013 Fall Seminar.

  • September 30, 2013 12:25 PM | Anonymous

    For full Position Vacancy Announcement, open link:

    ROD Jobs- Legal Instruments Examiner.pdf

  • August 09, 2013 9:16 AM | Anonymous

    For full Position Vacancy Announcement, open link:

    13-AD-OTR-0039 (RPTA)- Legal Instruments Examiner.doc

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